Thursday, 26 April 2018

Oh, The Places You´ll Go!

Welcome to my Blog!

Trying to find a good name or a topic for writing is not an easy task. So I started wondering what to do with this space, when an anecdote with similar characteristics crossed my mind.

Last year I was supposed to deliver the graduation speech for my 6th graders students. The funny thing is, they were my first students ever.  I felt honored…and terrified! In front of my kids I can do anything: speak, sing, dance, play, laugh…I´m kinda of a clown…but with a mic…I´m a total disaster! I hate it… Nevertheless…I was asked to write it, and read it.

It happens to me that I love reading. So, I went back to the basics. I choose my favourite books, and prepared my fabulous speech. I must admit that I almost cried but I didn´t. After the speech, we watched a video, one I prepared with pictures when they were in 2nd form, in 4th, in 6th…all the years we spent together. It was a terrible yet adorable group. They drove me crazy, but they taught me a lot… they helped me went through awful moments in my life, though they never knew; me grew together and learned way too much things (and not only content). They were my first group.
So, I left them this poem. (just a part…not the entire book)

Resultado de imagen para all the places you'll go poem congratulations

And again, as that hot and wet Friday night last December, I found inspiration in my beloved literature. And now, let´s pick up everything and prepare my stuff that I have to face my now not so little and innocent first group!