Saturday, 1 September 2018

September 1st

Welcome, another year at Hogwarts!

September 1st: It´s Time to go back HOME...

Sorry...but I cannot help it...I´m a huge fan!

Resultado de imagen para september 1st hogwarts

After all these years (more than 20 from the frist time a red Harry Potter...) I still wait for my Hogwarts letter...I think they forgot to send me an owl.... I don´t know...
Anyway...I will wait for it till the very end...

I drive my students crazy about my Harry Potter love. I always tell them that once you get to know the first pages of the first book, you cannot stop reading it. They never believed me. 
But this year, one of students from 6th year (secondary) asked me if I could lend him my Harry Potter copy. I doubted...but you can never refuse sharing HP with anybody. So....I gave it to him.
He LOVED it!! He couldn´t stop a week he returned it to me.
He told me that he had bought the second book!!!
I felt....extremely happy!! jiji

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See you always, magical creatures!!

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