These last weeks I´ve been in a constant marks, progress cards, filling in forms and pedagogic reports. And...I´ve been ill. Nonetheless, I´m a mother. I found a picture that represents exactely my feeling from these last weeks..
I don´t know how you feel about it....but I think a bit crazier than a few weeks ago.... But then...I walk through the hallways and find beatiful smiles and waving hands...and I feel a bit less exhausted...Above all the things we teachers go through...."all hard work pays off in the end" =) XoXo
Ps: Spring is almost here....soon Summer Holidays too!!
Sorry...but I cannot help it...I´m a huge fan! After all these years (more than 20 from the frist time a red Harry Potter...) I still wait for my Hogwarts letter...I think they forgot to send me an owl.... I don´t know... Anyway...I will wait for it till the very end... I drive my students crazy about my Harry Potter love. I always tell them that once you get to know the first pages of the first book, you cannot stop reading it. They never believed me. But this year, one of students from 6th year (secondary) asked me if I could lend him my Harry Potter copy. I doubted...but you can never refuse sharing HP with anybody. So....I gave it to him. He LOVED it!! He couldn´t stop a week he returned it to me. He told me that he had bought the second book!!! I felt....extremely happy!! jiji So.... See you always, magical creatures!!
In this opportunity I´m posting a bit about First Language Acquisition!
First Language acquisition belongs to a field which has been investigated throughout recent years. There are penty of faculties which have tried to tackle the process by means of theories which involve social interaction, experience and stimulus-response as their main explanations. However, there is no theory which has succeded in proposing a precise way in which principles are acquired other than Chomsky´s. Mainly because to defeat his argument involves explaining how each and all the principles could have been acquired from experience of from other faculties. Here you can find a video that explains a bit more of Chomsky´s theory.
Hope you find it interesting and useful! See you later, alligator!
I met her when we were 9. Almost 20 years later, we´re still together. She lives far from where I live now. Nonetheless, when we have the chance to spend a day together, time seems not to have pass.
It is amazing how people can modify our lives!! I firmly believe that, even though we cannot see each other everyday, there´s something that keeps us united: love.
A friend is a the family you can choose. Is somebody that you know is going to be there for you no matter what. She´s been by my side at the distance. She knows exactly what´s going on in my life, the changes in my job, my career, my husband and daughter, everything. And in the same way I know everything about her.
Life has changed us physical and emotionally. But at the end..we´re still those little 9-year-old girls who loves chatting and playing, watching movies and eating home made pop-corn, little girls who loved to share.
In the most amazing moments we´ve been the most awful ones too. Life gave us the opportunity to get to know each other...and luckily we took it!
Happy Birthday My Dearest Friend!!! You know I´ll be there for you (always), as you´re there for me too (always too).
Recently, I attended a workshop where I found old and very well known theory combined with a new approach.
There, I was able to get to knnow the Kagan Structures. I made my own research and put them into practice in some of my lessons. The result....fantastic!
As a conclusion I´m posting some of the structures that helped me in class.